Saturday, April 26, 2008

Thoracic Spondylosis

Thoracic spondylosis is basically disc degeneration. There are several different types of spondylosis, so I going to try to keep this pretty generic so that I don't get them confused.

Thoracic spondylosis is a narrowing of the disc space between vertebrae. This can lead to disc herniation or bulging. This condition is associated with age, and men are usually diagnosed 10 years earlier than women. Xrays or MRI's can be performed to evaluate the severity.

The symptoms are pain in the midsection, mainly the chest and upper abdomen. It is especially demonstrated in flexion and hyperextension of the back. There may also be radiating pain in extremities depending on the location. Muscle weakness and tingling are also common.

One treatment is arthroscopic laser foremenoplasty. This is performed under low level local sedation. It is done to decompress the affected nerve root.


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