Friday, February 8, 2008

Bell's Palsy

If you wake up in the morning and one side of your face is sagging, that might be a bit scary. But, if you are experiencing these symptoms, it could be Bell's Palsy, a condition that usually has a complete recovery.

The symptoms are:
  • paralysis on one side of the face
  • facial droop
  • difficulty making expressions
  • pain near or in the ear of affected side
  • sound louder on affectd side
  • headache
  • loss of taste
  • change in tear and saliva production

So, what causes this? A nerve that controls facial muscles becomes inflamed/swollen and gets piched between bone. That pressure can damage the protective covering of the nerve and interfere in communication between the nerve and facial muscles.

The most common cause is the herpes simlpex virus, but the other viruses that cause chicken pox, shingles, and the Epstein-Barr virus (related to mononucleosis) are also culprits.

Pregnant mothers, diabetics, and those with upper respiratory infections are more at risk.

There are no specific lab tests to confirm diagnosis. Electromyography and CT or MR images are helpful.


Medications for treatment is not always necessary. If something is prescribed, it is most commonly corticosteroids to reduce swelling. Massage and moist heat applications are recommended.

Usually complete recovery is expected within a few months. Complications are rare, but if there is severe damage to the nerve then it may be irreversible. Also, misdirected regrowth of new nerve fibers may cause involuntary contractions.

For more information, please check out the mayoclinic website

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